Thursday, 22 January 2009

'This Is England' opening sequence.

This film has many ways of presenting the film, similar to ours which we will be using in our film opening. For example, the way natural lighting is used to show the effect of realism. This is how we are planning to film ours. Also this film is almost like a documentary and this style presents things as they happen each day, for example, marriage, classes, crowds etc. We will do ours fairly similar but not as much of a documentary as we will concentrate on the main character. The natural lighting consists of dark and light. They film at night and in the day, which is an easy way to film, as you don’t need all the extra lighting. The way this film is presented is in a way that represents Britain by showing people at war and the way community is brought together. The camera is hand held which proves this is a social realist as social realist films are low budget films so everything is done with less equipment. So the camera is handheld, this could be effective as it helps the spectator gain an insight and it draws the spectator in. There is a variety of shots used in this opening, which is effective as you get to see all the different angles and ways of viewing something.

Sound: The soundtrack included in this sequence is all diagetic sounds, this shows that the film is realist as you can only hear natural sounds. This is also what we will use in our film opening as we are using diagetic sounds but emphasizing them as people don’t normally notice these everyday sounds.

Mise-en-scene: This film opening is very similar to ours as we are going to have a boy get up in the morning and go out, this is what is included in this film opening, although there will be many changes, we just have a few ideas that are similar. In this opening, the little boy wakes and gets dressed then he leaves the house and goes to the shop. The way the sequence is set out, is in an old style. The film has the characteristics of a very old film. The setting is almost empty which could emphasize isolation.

Editing: There is not much visible editing in this sequence. The editing is continuous which makes it hardly noticeable to the spectator. The titles and credits are edited as they have transitions and the way they are placed on the screen. The shot duration is quite short in the titles, which makes each scene short and punchy to help the spectator view all of the scenes in a short amount of time.

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