Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Hostel title sequence

I have chosen the title sequence from the film Hostage. I have chosen this film as the titles have the greatest effect on me. The use of visual effects and the soundtrack prepares the audience for what is coming. During the title sequence, the camera pans over the city as the names are written accross many objects relevant to the film. The camera passes over buildings that have a significant relevance to the film, and names such as the directors are written accross in bold writing. This is effective as it draws your attention, and gives you a sence of large scale. The soundtrack to the sequence also hightens the tension, there are deep bass bellows as the orchestral plays. The soundtrack also uses unusual noises to build tension, the listener feels uneasy as the sounds combined create a eery setting. During the title sequence there is an emotional scene as a young boy is shot, this also effects the viewer emotionaly and they bring this feeling as they watch the film. The title sequence prepares the viewer for the emotion displayed in the film. I think this sequence is so effective as it combines the visual and audio that has a greater impact on the viewer than other title sequences do.



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